I'm a Game Designer and Programmer.
From a young age, I started to play video games on an old hand-me-down Compaq Armada laptop that didn't even have a sound card! Even without being able to hear when my village was under attack in Age of Empires, I quickly became amazed by the world of possibility and escapism video games could offer.
In secondary school, I became interested in game development and used the Unity game engine to create my first platform jumping game aptly titled "Jumper"! I took a Computing course at college, but it was more focused on computing as a whole than video games. Also in college, for my final coursework, I created a database system for a client and I had to write about how I design, created and tested it.
So this ended up with me taking a Games Development Course at the University Of Westminster. I have recently graduated with a First Class Honours. My time there was a lot of fun as I made great friends and created many games. I cannot wait to start working within the games industry. At the moment, I am currently working on turning my Final Year Project game 'Thank You For Your Service' into a full game.