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Red Marmoset Studios
PC - Windows
(Will be ported later to Xbox & PlayStation)
Unity Game Engine
Programmer - Coding many different parts of the game to a high standard for a vertical slice, so that it can impress publishers and investors.
A comic book inspired first person shooter, sent in 1920s Chicago involving mafia and monsters! Either blast your way through enemies with a range of time period specific weapons, or go for the quiet approach to save your ammo for the difficult fights. Keep an eye out for mutations though as they can give you extra strength and speed, but be careful take too much and you might soon become one of the monsters!
As one of the main programmers helping to build the vertical slice, I worked across a range of areas. Have a read through below to get a breakdown of what I've worked on so far.
Damage & Alarmed Indicators - Improved upon the existing damage indicator in the game, so that it was pointing in the correct direction and display more than one so it was more useful when under attack from multiple enemies. Added in Alarmed Indicators, which was tied into the stealth system, so the player would know the alarm state of the enemies when the player was trying to sneak around.
Sound Indicator - Implemented a sound indicator to display on the HUD, that indicates to the player how much noise they are making. This is updated by noise component, which tracks player speed and if they're firing a weapon or not.
Improved Crosshair - Improved upon the existing crosshair so that it's much clearer, dynamically updates for accuracy such as running and updating the colour when aiming at an enemy or interactive object. Crosshair also has an ammo indicator on it, so the player knows how much ammo they have, which will also turn red when low on ammo.
Aim Down Sights (ADS) - Implemented an aim down sights system, allowing for the player to a more accurate shot.
Noise Component - Added in a Noise Component that keeps track of the amount of noise that the player is making. Noise is dependent on what speed the player is moving at, and if they're firing a weapon or not. For example, crouching makes less noise than if you're running around firing a pistol.
Silent Takedown - Added in the gameplay option for the player to sneak up behind enemies and take them down with a silent takedown.
Dragging Bodies - After killing an enemy you're able to drag around their bodies. This is tied in with the stealth system, as you would want to hide a body to stop an enemy from being alerted.
Enemy Alert Levels - As part of the stealth system, enemies will now investigate an area, depending if noise comes from that area or they saw something suspicious like a player or dead body.
Improved Enemy Sight - Improved the enemy sight so that it now ties into the stealth system, which means if the enemy sees a player a for a set amount of time they will either go hostile or investigate the area.
Improved Enemy Hearing - Like with the enemy sight, I improved their hearing sense so now it tracks the player's noise component if the player is in their hearing range. If the player reaches a certain noise threshold the enemy will come to investigate that area. However, in other instances like a shooting a gun they will go fully hostile as they know that they are now under attack.
Physics Tool - Created a tool that allowed us to set all physics objects in the level to interpolate
Improved Arm Interaction with environment - Arms now move out of the way when the player is near a solid bit of geometry such as a wall. This is to stop arms from clipping through the walls.
Bug Fixing - Fixed bugs that either I found or was reported.
Support - Providing support to other members of the team, either working with them on a feature or helping them fix an issue.
Playtesting - Playing through the game many times to help find bugs, and find areas that need improvement
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